Thursday, March 08, 2007

Round And Round They Go...Let's Spin!

Darned those wingnuts! Just as soon as I decide to dedicate this blog to countering the mighty Wurlitzer spin machine they make it so obvious that even a caveman could see it!
Rush Limbaugh says the Scooter Libby verdict is actually good news for the right! They will now rise en mass to fight this travesty of justice! You betcha Rush. Here's hoping there is more “good news” down the road for you all. If a conviction of Libby is good news conviction of Bush/Cheney on gining up a phoney cause for war should be a blessed event for ya all.
The Fox spin machine says this is wrong because Libby was convicted when there was no underlying crime. They say Plame was not covert. The people that employed her, the CIA , says she was a NOC. Posing as a high level business person. Here is an explanation of the facts from former CIA agent Larry Johnson who trained with Plame and is, at least was, a Republican. Now of course this will mean nothing to the true sheeple. If it doesn't fit their spin then it is the liberal media and not to be believed. You can't convince anyone who uses that quite sad debating point that reality is evading their powers of reason. The truth could not be pursued further because Libby lied. Which is why he was indicted and convicted. If he would have told the truth Dick Cheney would be the one going to jail because he was actually the one that knowingly started all this. The Bush CIA decided the case merited pursuing asked for the investigation. I doubt they would do that if their was no crime in her exposure. It was the Bush Justice Dept. that handled the investigation. But Rush and the Fox lackeys think it is all the fault of the darned Liberals! Of course isn't everything they don't like?
Beyond that, it is the way things work. Remember a lie is a lie? Lying under oath? For example Bill Clintons blow job carried no legal penalties thus was not a crime still he was impeached for lying under oath. Of course that was just fine with them. More proof they have no core. There is a civil case pending and this is not the end of it. Hence the we spin, you decide people will have many more opportunities to display their moral relativity. And your's truly will have more opportunities to expose their lame obfuscation.


Blogger Dedanna said...

Ron, you might be interested in reading this interview about the Libby verdict.


7:59 AM, March 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much will it take before people take to the streets and do other demonstrations concerning things like This?

Larry in New Mexico

12:41 AM, March 20, 2007  
Blogger Ron said...

Larry,as you know, I said it was pitchforks and torches time a long time ago.

10:42 PM, March 20, 2007  

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