Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'll See You And I Call

I have been at a bit of a loss as to what direction to take with this blog. I wondered if things would change with the election. It looks like the radical right is going to beat the dead horse to a pulp. Their rhetoric is exactly the same. It is time to kill it once and for all. Enough with the propaganda and the misleading positioning, even outright lies. I will be dedicating most of my time on this blog to the media and message fight. It's time they said something intelligent and thoughtful or just shut up. If they can't do either then their ignorance and bluster must be exposed for what it is. That is what we will do.A good example of their mind game can be shown in the recent Nancy Pelosi plane dust up. After slime and exaggeration to their usual shameful degree we find that it was actually the Sgt. At Arms that recommended the plane and the size because of security concerns for the 3 in line to the Presidency. Even the White House through Tony Snow professed this to be a far bigger adue than needed. But even being untrue as originally claimed it served its purpose. First they planted the desired feeling(rich,entitled,abuser of power) and attributed it to Nancy Pelosi. This is a regular wingnut trick/trait. They create an enemy because the right has no idea how to operate unless they puff their chest and tell you just what they aren't going to stand for. Once the desired evil traits are decided upon they spare no effort to twist every detail to fit their profile. Even though the truth was quite different than all their original puffery they still planted the seed. If they get the mighty Wurlitzer to make the claims, you(or at least their base) ,will hear it enough that you believe it as true. This even if there is ever barely grain of truth to anything they say. It turns into conventional wisdom. It's called creating your own reality without consideration of merit. They deal with politics the way they would support their favorite sports team. They think it is all one and the same. They focus not on plans or answers but on the ”enemy”. Of course any enemy they may have will just be an adjunct to going after the primary enemy. The one they literally love to hate. This of course would be the American Liberal or socialist or whatever label they decide to apply. Under their varying definitions of what constitutes a conservative or liberal, a liberal, for them, could be anyone who is for anything from peace to paying taxes to public schools to universal health care. It's time to call their hand on a regular basis. We may never get them to lay their cards on the table but we can expose the hand they are holding.. (to be continued).


Blogger Dedanna said...

Ron said. . .

I have been at a bit of a loss as to what direction to take with this blog.

Well, humor's good. . . or political satire evenn . . .

I wondered if things would change with the election.

Nope, they didn't.

12:47 PM, February 16, 2007  
Blogger Dedanna said...

And it's all too old to even want to pay attention to any more. That's the problem. *shrug*

12:48 PM, February 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to Here for February 16,2007.Scroll down to Pearce Love or Hate? Hear in his own words "our" congressman with "our" values (Not!)hate mongering devisiveness and lies on the House Floor. It is of course Stevan and those like him who Truly Hate American Values as evidenced by among other things his votes against implementation of the 9/11 Commission Recommendations, against ending Oil Subsidies and Investment in Renewable Energy, against Lowering Rx Drug Costs, against the Minimum Wage Increase, against Expanded Stem Cell Research and now his vote against the non-binding resolution on the Bush's surge. All in just the first few weeks of the 110th Congress. In the 109th he voted against allowing Medicare to bargain for lower Rx costs with Big Pharma, in favor of tighter bankruptcy restrictions for working Americans and in favor of tax givaways and breaks to all sorts of Big Business. His offices should be deluged with calls, faxes and emails against his attack on the House floor and his Anti-American and Anti-American Values Voting Record.

Larry in New Mexico

2:03 PM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howard Dean's strategy notwithstanding,
maybe Lincoln should have just let the South go its merry (and looney) way :)

Larry in New Mexico

3:30 PM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now more than ever see Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Buy, rent, borrow, watch with friends. It is widely available. Also recommend the DVD: Iraq For Sale.

Larry in New Mexico

6:07 PM, February 17, 2007  
Blogger Ron said...

Dedanna: All the same is why I have decided on this course. I wish I was talented in the humor direction enough to do something like that on a consistent basis. I admire those people greatly. I ain't got the stuff. If you haven't been there yet visit Sadly No. It's pretty good. In a way I guess I am going to do comedy because I am going to use my strengths as a person who understands media and marketing to expose what a joke damned near every argument the right makes is.

Larry ..thanks for the Pearce link. That looks like a post to me..I'll be doing one soon..thanks again.

1:33 PM, February 18, 2007  
Blogger Ron said...

Dedanna: All the same is why I have decided on this course. I wish I was talented in the humor direction enough to do something like that on a consistent basis. I admire those people greatly. I ain't got the stuff. If you haven't been there yet visit Sadly No. It's pretty good. In a way I guess I am going to do comedy because I am going to use my strengths as a person who understands media and marketing to expose what a joke damned near every argument the right makes is.

Larry ..thanks for the Pearce link. That looks like a post to me..I'll be doing one soon..thanks again.

1:35 PM, February 18, 2007  
Blogger Dedanna said...

Ron, due to some personal circumstances (my dad died the morning of the 9th), I'm going to take a complete break from all this. My dad's cancer finally got him after fighting for over 7 years.

I personally have a lot of unresolved issues where he's concerned, and have a lot to work out.

The job continues to go well, but... right now it seems to be about the only part of life that is.

I've checked out Sadly No before. Will get back to it again when I'm in the mood.

Take care.


4:46 PM, February 21, 2007  

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