Tuesday, January 16, 2007

From USA Today:
The U.S. military has sold forbidden equipment at least a half-dozen times to middlemen for countries — including Iran and China — who exploited security flaws in the Defense Department's surplus auctions. The sales include fighter jet parts and missile components.
In one case, federal investigators said, the contraband made it to Iran, a country President Bush branded part of an "axis of evil."
In that instance, a Pakistani arms broker convicted of exporting U.S. missile parts to Iran resumed business after his release from prison. He purchased Chinook helicopter engine parts for Iran from a U.S. company that had bought them in a Pentagon surplus sale. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, speaking on condition of anonymity, say those parts made it to Iran.
The surplus sales can operate like a supermarket for arms dealers.

This is keeping us safe? They need to wiretap individual Americans but don't have enough information on arms dealers to get this right. To the idea that these people and their supporters are giving ANYBODY a lecture on doing things that are harmful to America, this is evidence to the irrelevance of their bluster.


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