Sunday, September 04, 2005

My America

I was just watching the ABQ news. They have taken in people from New Orleans. Up to 6 thousand eventually. The first arrived today. Many people gave up their holiday to set up the convention center as a temporary shelter. People immediately began bringing supplies of food, clothing and other items. So many that a line formed half way around the block. They are asking people to not take things to the convention center now but give it to agencies who are set up to distribute it. They also have been deluged with hundreds of calls from people willing to open their home to these people on a temporary basis. Let me repeat. All this response was IMMEDIATE. Now that's the America I'm talkin bout!!!!


Blogger Dedanna said...

Yeah, Houston and Amarillo are doing the same.

However..... I have MAJOR complaints about Amarillo....

The motels there are giving these people rooms, at a tax-cut rate (what, a whole $5) for 60 days. My god, these people have NO money, and have had their whole lives ripped apart, quite literally! They're going to charge them at all to stay in the motels, when they don't even charge their own homeless people for overnight stays???

Oh, I see, now the Red Cross (among other agencies) can do something, when they weren't even allowed in to save some damned lives in New Orleans when the hurricane happened, no thanks to Homeland Insecurity.

Also, Amarillo would really like for these people to stay for at least six months... yeah, we know what that's all about. It's not the heart of wanting to help the people, it's that they want those people to boost their economy!!!

There's more, but this is way too much of a load of shit as it is for me to handle.

I'm damned bitter about the whole thing. Damned bitter. And depressed.

9:26 AM, September 05, 2005  

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