Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Warrior

I highly recommend this post. It's certainly worth a read. That is if you are prepared to think about things in terms bigger than slogans.


Blogger The Donkey said...

The Donkey sees many chickenhawks that love the war and are happy to send the Donkey's friends and relatives over there.

Why There Are No Yellow Elephants In Iraq

by Max Blumenthal. June 28, 2005

Edward Hauser is a senior at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas: "I support our country. I support our troops." So why isn't he there? "I know that I'm going to be better staying here and working to convince people why we're there," Hauser explained, pausing in thought. "I'm a fighter, but with words."

Justin Palmer is vice chairman of the Georgia Association of College Republicans. "The country is like a body," Palmer explained, "and each part of the body has a different function. Certain people do certain things better than others." He said his "function" was planning a "Support Our Troops" day on campus this year in which students honored military recruiters from all four branches of the service.

University of Georgia Republican member Kiera Ranke said she played her part as well. She and her sorority sisters sent care packages to troops in Iraq along with letters and pictures of themselves. "They wrote back and told us we boosted their morale," she said.

Cory Bray is a senior from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. "The people opposed to the war aren't putting their asses on the line," Bray boomed from beside the bar. Then why isn't he putting his ass on the line?

"I'm not putting my ass on the line because I had the opportunity to go to the number-one business school in the country," he declared, his voice rising in defensive anger, "and I wasn't going to pass that up."

You have been reading excerpts from "Generation Chickenhawk" by Max Blumenthal. You can read the entire piece here: Thanks to

10:01 AM, July 10, 2005  
Blogger The Donkey said...


We draw enormous inspiration from three incredible groups of people:

* the pamphleteers of the [first] American Revolution, including a certain Thomas Paine.

* the brave and honest reporters of the world, who make our work possible.

* the Russian patriots who developed and operated the underground publishing system known as "samizdat". From the Wikipedia:

Samizdat ("self-published") was a grassroots strategy to evade censorship. People copied and distributed banned literature, a few copies at a time. Anyone who had a copy and access to any sort of copying equipment was encouraged to make more copies.

Samizdat copies of text were passed from one person to another. Copies were often made by hand, using carbon paper. Before Glasnost, the practice was dangerous, since copy machines, printing presses and even typewriters in offices were under control of the KGB, which had reference printouts for all of them.

Well, friends, what do you think?

The Russians did it by hand with pens and carbon paper.

We have internets, printers and photocopiers.

Do you think maybe we can do some samizdat here too?

The time has surely come.

Are you tired of shouting? Let's start whispering!! Copy this message and leave copies in public places. Mail or Fax copies to your 'elected' representatives. Tell them we're not gonna take it anymore. Mail or Fax copies to your local media. Tell them we'll do their job if they won't. Join the Velvet Revolution at VelvetRevolution.US. This message has been brought to you by The Whispering Campaign. Visit us at

10:40 AM, July 10, 2005  
Blogger Dedanna said...

We have internets, printers and photocopiers.

So, who says "internet" is plural, other than our "fearless leader", the illiterate PNAC General who's running our country?

6:13 PM, July 15, 2005  

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