Friday, June 24, 2005

John Kerry Talks About Real Problems

John Kerry issued the following statement : Time for a Policy Wake-Up Call on China

"China presents America with a great opportunity and a great challenge, and what we do now is going to decide the future of our relationship. But on too many policies we're failing to act. From competitiveness to trade to currency to tax policy to foreign-held debt, the Administration is digging a hole and they have no plan to get America out of it.
"Today, we don't enforce trade laws with China, and as a result counterfeiting and piracy of American products is rampant. Our tax code rewards companies that locate in China instead of America. China is systematically manipulating its currency for competitive advantage. We're piling up federal debt, substantially funded by China, and due back with interest from our children.
"And while the Chinese plan and invest in communications, transportation, research, development, education and advanced manufacturing technologies, we have no plan. We're reducing funding in basic science, graduating fewer engineers and burdening our business with massive health care costs. It is a worrisome sign that Bill Gates has called our high schools 'obsolete. . . even when they're working exactly as designed.' It is equally worrisome that we're cutting investment in research and science - the same kind of research that gave us everything from the mammogram to the microchip and the Internet. There is no question that we need a massive realignment of our domestic priorities.
"Simply, there is no question that we need to immediately and fundamentally change the way we approach, negotiate with and do business with China."

Don't let them get your eye off the ball. They'll do everything they can to focus you on people or organizations. Stay with the issues, talk about policy. If they are going to drag you, make it kicking and screaming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, as a general statement goes I can agree with most of it, however, was there more to the statement, such as remedies or specific solutions? We can point out problems all day long, but that is meaningless unless we can come up with solutions for discussion. It would have been far more interesting if it had been entitled "John Kerry Talks About Real Solutions for Real Problems".

2:51 AM, June 25, 2005  
Blogger The Donkey said...

The Donkey took a few minutes to look for the statement on the web. By using this link Bob could find out if there is more to the statement;

The Donkey understands from Ron's post that the Senator did offer a solution. It is "that we need to immediately and fundamentally change the way we approach, negotiate with and do business with China.”

Since Bob can not seem to grasp what Senator Kerry's press release alluded to, The Donkey will break it down.

Enforce trade laws with China to reduce counterfeiting and piracy of American products.

Change our tax code to punish companies that locate in China instead of America.

Use our government to keep China from systematically manipulating its currency for competitive advantage.

Reduce federal debt.

Plan and invest in communications, transportation, research, development, education and advanced manufacturing technologies.

Do massive realignment of our domestic priorities, such as health care, education, science and technology.

From this outline, we can start working or we can just let Bush fix this, like he fixed Iraq.

9:20 PM, June 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Kerry can talk about real solutions for real problems because John Kerry is an analytical kind of guy who uses his GRAY matter to THINK. (Not just his black and white matter like our "President" who admits he doesn't like to analyze policy or think about why he does the things he does.)
Ron's boss says he doesn't agree with everything Bush does, but he likes him better than he likes Kerry. He must not know very much about John Kerry, then, but, hey, the DemoCat is one of John Kerry's biggest fans, so she's bound to disagree with Ron's boss and also with Bob(although not always.)
Speaking of Bob-I heard you tell "The Maniac" to check out that site on Google re: the planes crashing into the Twin Towers, so it would be nice if you would admit it, already. Don't be like Bush and refuse to admit you made a mistake! The Maniac is a Liberal and is willing to forgive as long as you fess up- from what I hear. Otherwise, I, personally, have nothing against you or cops, retired or otherwise, or TRADITIONAL conservatives for the most part. (You're actually too smart to vote for Bush-I just don't get it.)

5:30 PM, June 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I never remember it being mentioned on the news or in ads, if you looked past the first page of John Kerry's Website at the time of the last election campaign one of his solutions was to have people on Social Security volunteer time as part of receiving
benefits. This approach opens up the path to solving many of our nation's and the world's problems if people will accept some new thinking and not mess it up with greed and rule. CCC.

10:53 AM, June 28, 2005  
Blogger Dedanna said...

Speaking of Bob-I heard you tell "The Maniac" to check out that site on Google re: the planes crashing into the Twin Towers, so it would be nice if you would admit it, already. Don't be like Bush and refuse to admit you made a mistake!

Speaking of the planes crashing into the twin towers...

There seems to be some dispute over that...

6:24 PM, June 29, 2005  
Blogger Ron said...

Bob,in a statement like this things must be kept brief. A full policy paper would not be read. If we can agree on what we want to accomplish I see that as a good starting point.

5:00 PM, July 04, 2005  

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