Sunday, May 08, 2005

It's A Brave New World

It's time to bring America together and for a new consensus, a new message to bring to the world. To bring us back to the upbeat positive, admired country instead of the burdened by fear, feared country. I think we the people share very common goals. I share many goals with the President. I think worldwide democracy and freedom is a good and admirable goal. I would be in favor of any postitive steps we could take to further that goal. I think we should all be responsible in our own little ways to relieve and not increase the burden on others. I agree that America should be strong enough to protect it's self from any acts of aggression and when agressed upon has the right to retaliate. I believe a good education and free flow of ideas are key to our survival. I'm for religious freedom and freedom from government intervention in our personal matters. I want to be a part of the greatest country in the world. The problem comes in on how we attain these goals. If we all can unite just enough to understand that the large majority of us has the best interests of America at heart then we can get down to the discussion of how and why. It's a brave new world.


Blogger Dedanna said...

I'm not so brave to stand up to the neocons-in-control-of-us routine.

Bye-bye, USA.

And no, I won't let the door hit me in the rear on the way out...

8:03 PM, May 09, 2005  

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