Sunday, May 04, 2008

Howard Dean Being Frank

Here is Howard Dean on Fox News.

I am sure Sean Hannity will have to lead with ...You'll Be Shocked! He thinks people are shocked by a lot of stuff if you watch him. I'm not sure if that tells you more about the man or the intimidation angle of his game.

Fox will be the pool reporter at the Democratic Convention this year. I am betting this has much to do with this entire appearance and discussion. It was nice to see Howard Dean not shrink in the face of these guys. I had an exchange with someone down the page. Thus:

This guy calls himself "Unbiased View":
Not only are we going to New Hampshire, Tom Harkin, we're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California and Texas and New York � And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan, and then we're going to Washington, D.C., to take back the White House! BYYYYAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!

LOL, this guy always cracks me up. BTW, how did he become the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee?

Gee I'm so hurt. That is such an impeccable argument.

He became chairman of the Democratic party by speaking truth to power. Just like he did here. It is a trait that many of us wacky liberals admire hence the pressure to put him there. We aren't going to be forced or guilted into the right wing agenda. We are no longer going to be told to be ashamed to be liberal. We are ready to bring the debate on the real issues that are important for country. You can play in the Rush Limbaugh circus til you turn blue for all I care. There's work to do and it is getting done whether you come along or not. ...These , in my opinion, are the people that pushed to get Howard Dean as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

The fact that the first and apparently terrible thing he said or did was what you mentioned says much about what is important to you. In the face of history it is a totally innocent blip compared to what the Bush/ Cheney/neocon cabal has said or done. I could come up with dozens of things that would be criminal let alone silly or wrong from the crooks running the show. Actually Dean did say the truth even then and it is true more than ever this year........

Not only are we going to New Hampshire, Tom Harkin, we're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California and Texas and New York � And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan, and then we're going to Washington, D.C., to take back the White House! BYYYYAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron, I thought you might have a new post this evening since the NASCAR race was on. Heard you on the radio Thursday morning about 9:30am going through Alamogordo. Enjoyed hearing your voice again as you were reading some news items on your music program. We do miss hearing it here. Hope your work for the on-line audio site is coming along well.

Larry in New Mexico

9:57 PM, May 10, 2008  
Blogger Ron said...

Yes larry for me Nascar and inspired thought just go hand in hand:-)

I've been trying to continue do something besides the inane. I really miss doing talk and believe me everyone is aware of it!
I think I have all the pieces together for the new website. Focus will get it done. Good to hear from you.

5:47 PM, May 11, 2008  

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