Wednesday, March 29, 2006


The sheeple among us:

There's a world out there where Pres. Bush can do no wrong. He's viewed favorably by nearly everyone, his approval rating is 100% and he'd win a third term, if possible, without breaking a sweat.
This is Bush's base (approx. 45% of the entire GOP). According to the latest Diageo/Hotline poll, they're older (more than half are over 55 which translates into being "very likely" midterm voters), go to church weekly, and almost all of them are white. They oppose abortion rights, and, like VP Cheney himself, they listen to Rush and O'Reilly. And while DC is abuzz with talk that the faithful are weary and fractured, the poll shows they'll be a force at the ballot box.

Obviously if you listen to the wingnut talkers they live in the same world. It's outrageous, fringe and unamerican to disagree with the President and his plans. The idea that the man can do no wrong is a quick drop into the abyss of dreamland. That would apply to anyone. Why the liberal media expects us to buy it and why some people are labatomized far enough to believe it is shocking. The best of Real America is about an open marketplace of ideas and consensus. These people have none of that. The drug addled conservative and the guilt ridden Hannity encourage singlemindedness and divison in this country, not unity. I guess it's a necessary ingredient for anyone who considers themselves a "moralist".

But darnit they are "w" Republicans wheather they like it or not! From Kenny Melman.

The President is seen universally as the face of the Republican Party. We are now brand W. Republicans. The following chart shows the extremely close correlation between the Presidents image and overall ratings of the party. President Bush drives our image and will do so until we have real national front-runners for the '08 nomination. Attacking the President is counter productive for all Republicans, not just the candidates launching the attacks. If he drops, we all drop.

He is also the face of America overseas and that is something that HAS to change.


Blogger Dedanna said...

"Wednesday, March 29, 2006; Posted: 3:52 p.m. EST (20:52 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush said Wednesday that Saddam Hussein, not continued U.S. involvement in Iraq, is responsible for ongoing sectarian violence that is threatening the formation of a democratic government.

More here: Politics: Bush blames Iraq's instability on Hussein

6:57 PM, March 29, 2006  
Blogger Dedanna said...

I don't know why I'm bringing this up here and now... just struck me... Senate approves scandal-inspired ethics changes "The Senate gave lopsided approval Wednesday to scandal-inspired legislation restricting lobbyist giftgiving and making lobbying activities more open."

Yeah, but when they're more open, they'll get you for it...

Both stories, on the same page, here.


I think this is going somewhere... it's just striking me as odd...

7:05 PM, March 29, 2006  
Blogger Dedanna said...

Mouseover this puppy here.

7:12 PM, March 29, 2006  
Blogger Dedanna said...

Oh man -- didn't see it before. How arrogant of the neocon sack of crap, in this story that I posted earlier in this thread:

'Bush said. "I also want the Iraqi people to hear it's about time you get a unity government going. In other words, Americans understand you're newcomers to the political arena. But pretty soon its time to shut her down and get governing."'

I'm sorry, but they had idea of politics way before America even existed.

Who does that bastard think he is????

7:57 AM, March 30, 2006  
Blogger Dedanna said...

Or is it the American people's arrogance in general?

7:59 AM, March 30, 2006  
Blogger Dedanna said...

Here is what that brand "w" republican is giving us.

10:14 PM, March 31, 2006  
Blogger The Game said...

Ron, I agreed with 100% of what you wrote about immmigration on my blog

9:49 AM, April 02, 2006  
Blogger Dedanna said...


8:06 AM, April 04, 2006  

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