Sunday, May 22, 2005

People LOVE Cartoons

Just watching the Fox cartoon(news) network. The conversation was on the damn justice stopping democrats. They, apparently, should go back to how its been done for 220 years. The guest gave an explanation that I didn't get at all. I think because it was non-senseical. Then, whoever the hostlady was made me laugh out loud with her ignorance. Honestly. It was hilarious! She said something to the effect of -The people voted and Frist is the leader of the MAJORITY. Shouldn't we the people pretty much go along with the majority.? BWA HAHAHAHAHA !
It appears it's Paige Hopkins. Page can read and knows how to do her hair but apparently was writing notes during civics class.
First, most obviously, one party rule with no opposition would be dictatorship.
: a form of government in which absolute power is concentrated in a dictator or a small clique b : a government organization or group in which absolute power is so concentrated.
We do in a dictatorship. Built in the Constitution is separation of powers and rights for the minority. Those minority rights are there to form a barrier to a radical agenda by either side without the deliberate and cautionary moving of the wheels of law and justice. We all know deep down inside that many, many peoples view on this would be exactly reversed if the shoe was on the other foot.
Calling this the "Constitutional Option" is a misnomer. It's certainly not along the lines of the Constitutional separation of powers. I have heard the pundits say this is not a big deal to most Americans. To bad because this is a huge deal to the theocrats. They want judges on the court that will interpret mans laws in terms of Gods law. This is unfortunate because I am afraid that their understanding of God varies from mine ...and many other peoples for that matter.
Wait......maybe that's why we have separation of church and state!
It's all so sick. The conversation in the mainstream media doesn't the extent that on Fox it's purely cartoon news....... a ludicrously simplistic, unrealistic, or one-dimensional portrayal or version.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Donkey can appear educated by using the following link:

It is free and very useful. For example: One entry found for dictatorship.
Main Entry: dic·ta·tor·ship
Pronunciation: dik-'tA-t&r-"ship, 'dik-"
Function: noun
1 : the office of dictator
2 : autocratic rule, control, or leadership
3 a : a form of government in which absolute power is concentrated in a dictator or a small clique b : a government organization or group in which absolute power is so concentrated c : a despotic state

The Donkey also uses the wikipedia link at
Using these links the Donkey learns words such as, Absolute monarchy,Totalitarianism, Total war, Plutocracy, Kleptocracy, Generalissimo,Military rule, Military dictatorship and Police state. The Donkey will not let anyone argue with him if they change the meanings of the words in the middle of thier arguement. Voltare taught the donkey that when he said" if you wish to argue , define your terms.

This dictionary describes a liberal as one who has a a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties. The Donkey has some doubts about the essential goodness of the Human race or that progress can be sustained, so the Donkey is not a liberal. The Donkey enjoys the liberal gun laws in the country, even if he can't get his hooves in the trigger guards. The Donkey learned from history that power springs from the barrel of a gun.

11:09 PM, May 22, 2005  

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