Monday, April 11, 2005

Random Thoughts

I realize that the posts have been few and far between lately. I also realize that if one ever hopes to build a community here someday there needs to be new material everyday. I'm working on a plan and hope to do better in the future. It's partly a matter of a guy focusing on his paying job (which is highly recommended in my eyes), to a news media totally wrapped in non stop Pope. Wouldn't it have been nice to have that kind of wall to wall coverage of every angle of the election? Something that was vital to us all. Anyway, God rest his soul, and now back to news for all of us.
I'd like to remind you that if you are ever looking for some good stuff The Black flag. org is always a great place to go. A fellow Roswellian who is always insightful and never far from the mark.
I spoke to a friend today who had been talking to a prominent Roswellian over the weekend. They were mentioning yours truly in reference to the radio program and called me "that most liberal of all people". BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! She, under further questioning, said she was quite incensed that, "everyday" I was saying bad things about pResident Bush. When it was noted that I most often criticize his POLICIES her response was "well, same thing".
This is, especially for those of you who don't reside in Roswell, the mindset that I and my other friends of America are forced to boar through down here.
First of all I feel a sense of pride when someone calls me a Liberal, especially when aforementioned mindset is the alternative. However I am faaaaar from the "most liberal of all people" even in Roswell. No matter though, that description will do for them until they need to condemn someone else who as at all left of Rush Limbaugh. Then that person will be "the most liberal of all people". I am only honored on a temporary basis. Secondly, the ongoing mood of no criticism of the current(not all) pResident(s) follows with the truth of the brewing fascism of the radical right. Good way to win everytime. Never allow a discouraging word to be heard about their side and allow ours to be pummeled relentlessly. And the skies are not cloudy all day. I would say on many days the name of the President never came up during discussion on my program unless one of my conservative callers brought it up, so thank you for s-t-r-e-t-c-h-I-n-g the truth again my fellow Roswellian. Onward and Upward my fellow lovers of Freedom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug.

I don't think that many people from Blue States could really grasp the kind of mentality that prevails here in Roswell.

I just can't wait until the Dems get in control again, then every time I hear a republican complaining, I'll say "If you don't like it, why don't you just move away."

I want to throw every petty, churlish, low-ball taunt right back in their faces.

See how they like being called the "blame America first" crowd just because they're criticising policies.

10:35 PM, April 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I have to say that I learned something from this post. We actually have prominent Roswellians? I'll be dammned.

I will take issue you with you that on many days the name of the prez never came up unless it was intoduced by a conservative caller. Nahhh, it was a rare day when that happened. But so what? After all, your program was based on being cranky about the national admiinistration, so it was natural that you would mention his name. I do agree that you are faaaar from the 'most liberal of all people' even in Roswell. You never had a compelling need to quote Patrick Henry dail. And, you would even agree at times on reasonable ideas. I sure do miss the program...mornings are a drudge now without it and the dogs miss being woken up by me exclaiming 'How on earth did he come up with that conclusion??'

1:32 AM, April 12, 2005  
Blogger BeWitchingWizard said...

Hello thhis is Patrick Henry MANIAC the most liberal person in Roswell, and perhaps the whole country. I take that title with pride, and to think of the company I am in with, why Jesus was a liberal, and in fact almost all progress made in any endeavor was made by a liberal, but enough about the wonderful qualities of liberals. One thing is for sure, I never imvoked that nameless nit wit in the White House, this liberal only raged after those ignorant conservatives whenever they had the nerve to speak up knowing I was coming on the air. Of course we miss the show, but then John Dunn and his Fox affiliation (Republicans) couldn't have us in discourse with those losers who tell lies to the other idiot republicans (Like how I still know how to name call), No seriously John and Fox could never explain that show to their higher ups(Foley, Adair and the alike)since they don't believe in America - they believe in communism and their one world order, guess what BUB - give me liberty or give me death.

9:15 PM, April 12, 2005  
Blogger Ron said...

Hey, Nice to hear from you all. Rougy, I fear you chance to feel good about sending all this malarky back in their face is doomed. We already have Bill Clinton and what they did to him. As soon as he was out of power the rules changed and now Bushco is not subject to the "old" rules. The same thing will happen when a Democrat wins the White House again. Suddenly all the rules will change. I think the only way to do this is to help people see how truly radical, globalist and theocratic these guys really are. Put them in the minority of collective wisdom until they shape up.
Bob, I made a concious effort to rarely say Bush. I would, when possible say "the administration". "Bushco" basically relates the same thing. I realize this is far from the Bush show. Its the PNAC show. Nice to hear from you and please keep posting and keep me on my toes.
Maniac. How many times do I have to tell you. This deal was not Johns' doing! I think as a man who fundamentally disagreed with my viewpoint he was quite gracious in letting me do the show in the first place. I'm getting things in order with my other duties and other negotiations are moving forward. Don't be suprized if you hear the show again in a couple of months.

10:43 PM, April 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi ron, and I would be surprised, but really very happy if the show came on in some form or another again. Ok, I will buy your explanation of trying not to bring up Bush's name, but I can see how darn hard it must have been verbally dancing around the name. Besides, it seemed like you attacked the polices and ideas much more so than the person, which is as it should be. I detested Clinton when he was in office because he did things that would have gotten me fired, or suspended at the very least, as a gov worker. I have this twisted idea that the same rules should apply to everyone, even the prez, in gov't. But now, heck, I like Clinton, now that he is out of the government and doing stuff that is rather admirable. Even Bush Sr. likes him.

Actually, I think the show suffered from lack of sponsers, which I could see as your need to take a break declined. Perhaps it was too controversial or liberal for the red staters here to chance adverts on it, not wanting to associate with the dreaded opposition? You dont need to answer that. It would be nice to get sponsors interested in it, for I think it provided a highly unusual niche in a market like this. I don't even listen to the station now...oooops, I'm sorry, I should not have said that.

Ok, I will bite. PNAC? Que es? Politically Not Actually Correct?

Hi Patrick Henry Maniac! Yup, you are the most liberal of them all. And good for you. We need diversity of opinion here in Yucca flats, and you sure do provide it.

2:30 PM, April 13, 2005  
Blogger Dedanna said...

Y'know, I sure do miss discussing these things with you guys... :-p

How goes it, Bob? Retirement suiting you well? All the best to ya. :)

8:29 PM, April 14, 2005  

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