Sunday, March 27, 2005

American Taliban

The phrase American Taliban was found quite objectionable by one of my conservative listeners. According to him it was waaaaay different in America with the fundamentalists because they weren't trying to kill everyone who disagreed with them. Oh Really?! I guess he should have said "yet". That's what happens when you pander to the extremists to get elected. They start thinking they run the place! These people who so long preached federalisim and states rights now attempt to overthrow it when it doesn't suit their purposes. Why, that sounds like some linguini spined conservatives! That sounds like flip floppers! Where's my flip flops!?
I get so distressed with the fetus people trying to push their guilt off on me. I have seen them defend the life of embryos and fetuses. I have seen them defend the life of a 15year bedridden, questionably conscious woman. In between though it seems you're on your own. How about having a little guilt about the 15 billion in Medicaid that might have improved someone's "culture of life". Maybe we will just wait till they are all on a machine and then insist on care. Their guilt doesn't work on me and it shouldn't work on you either.
With standard procedure these radical republicans and their screech machines have gotten away from the legal issue or even the moral one and turned toward vilifying the opposition. Michael Schaivo is now suspect of all kinds of terrible misdeeds. Is anyone suprized? Is their anyone left that hasn't figured out their M. O. at this point. It's been so long since we really discussed issues and so long since we have been able to discuss different viewpoint without being or making an "enemy" I fear we have forgotten how. I am actually a quite spiritual person and on a moral basis I have mixed feelings on this issue. I don't believe in legislating my morality as the rule for all though. Not in America. They will now be interfering with our religious freedom. Please stand by.
Listen to the Rush Limbaughs, the Sean Hannitys and most ideally Anne Coulter. They aren't trying to have a debate. They are attempting to whip people into a frenzy, a wild mob. Well they've accomplished that. Let's see how well they like their country with a bunch of barely controllable/totally unbending zealots deciding et al.


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