Sunday, March 20, 2005

More Teri Schiavo

I really feel bad for this lady and her family. It's a terrible thing . To be in any of their shoes would be a dreadful ordeal. Maybe if some good can come of this it is helping people understand how intrusive the right wing agenda is on that freedom and liberty that we all cherish..or say we do. Equality is in play here too. This is an excellent piece on the big picture. I thought is was also interesting to note the reaction of the wingnuts. It's included in the article but I wanted to make sure you saw it so here it is. Somebody close to her should be in charge of making the decision and then whatever they say goes. There should be no more discussion about it. It should be our decision..we the people.. not the governments. The law must also be evenly applied to us all. At least that is how it would work if you really believed in freedom and liberty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Bush is exploiting this situation for his own political gain, so he can score points with the Religious Right. He is despicable! If he's so pro-life, why did he sign off on 152 executions while governor of TX, including mentally retarded/ill prisoners? Why did he start an illegal OIL war against the wishes of most of the rest of the world community which has resulted in 100,000 civilians and 1,500+ troops being killed? He's a hypocrite.
Terri's soul is trapped in a brain damaged body that will never recover. She has the mental capacity of a very young infant at most, will never be able to recognize loved ones, learn, or evolve spititually. That isn't a life. Her parents should let her go, grieve, and move on. We're hopefully kinder to our cats and dogs than we are to people. No one should be forced to live like that and people should have the right to die.

12:32 PM, March 23, 2005  

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