Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sex Ed Or Smut

From the rightblog Townhall:

This is absolutely unbelievable. It appears Montgomery County (Maryland) public schools can implement a new sex education curriculum singing the praises of condom use and homosexuality, and, apparently, teaching about anal sex, but state taxpayers who write the school board to complain of such trash are being censored due to inappropriate content in their emails!
That's right. Here's the exact message I sent to the Montgomery County Board of Education last night after being informed by a member of
Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum that the school district intends to instruct children in the practice of anal sex:
Dear Montgomery County BOE [cc: Gov. Robert Ehrlich]:I strongly oppose your use of taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate Maryland's public school students with the Left's visions of a hypersexualized society, including discussion of anal sex and the like. It is absurd that our schools would provide our kids with the knowledge to indulge in their basest fantasies, much less neglect to educate them about the potentially disastrous consequences of having sex out of wedlock. And please don't attempt to justify these actions; I'm a former Maryland public school teacher from St. Mary's County and am well aware of how our districts operate. It is because of ridiculousness such as this that I am now a "former" teacher in Maryland.,Trevor BothwellHost,
Now, here's an automatically generated email that I received from the board of education's email administrator informing me that my message was not delivered due to "inappropriate content."
The message referenced in the details below was not delivered due to inappropriate content. It surpassed the threshold set in the Adult Content dictionary.
The action on the message fell into the following category:
Messages that were dropped (Content Filtering)
If you believe the message was blocked in error, please resend it to "" and include the name of the intended recipient so it can be forwarded.
E-mail Administrator, Montgomery County Public Schools
I'm struggling to pinpoint exactly which portion of my letter "surpassed the threshold set in the Adult Content dictionary," but my guess is that the words "anal sex" might have had something to do with it.
So, you got that? It's "inappropriate" for one adult to write to a group of adults expressing concern over topics addressed in a school district's curriculum (indeed, the board's own web server admits the terms "anal," "sex," "anal sex," "hypersexualized," or any combination thereof, violate standards of appropriate language laid out in the "Adult Content dictionary" and are thus filtered from receipt by the school board), but it's apparently fine and dandy to reference such terminology in schools filled with impressionable tenth-graders.
Email the Montgomery County Board of Education at Oh, and be sure not to offend their delicate sensibilities by mentioning sexual terms that are good enough for our adolescents but not those who thrust this smut upon them.

If true the hypocrisy is fully apparent. I would have no argument with their point here. Next question, what is appropriate. First of all, if most parents would do this the schools wouldn't need to. Let's try to just stick to the facts.
Biological functions i.e. how a baby is born
Sexual contact diseases
Emotional stresses-Economic Stresses involved in a family vs single.
Percentage chance you will have a baby under various circumstances.
Obviously at the top of this list..or the bottom is abstinence. Per cent chance..0.
Teaching somebodys kid to put on a condom is an understandable objection. I figured it out without instruction. That means their odds ought to be pretty good. Anal sex? Needs no discussion because it doesn't result in biological process. Gay question? That should be discussed in theological or political circles and not at sex ed. Once again, does not result in a biological process outside of the afore mentioned sexual contact diseases.
Do even the wingnuts at townhall make sense sometimes? Sure, I'm sensitive to their concerns and even in agreement in some cases. Now I'm just waiting to see how long it takes them to do the same thing.


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