What We Get Tired Of
The Repuklickuns never make a mistake. If you disagree with them or the pResident you hate America first.
The first thing I want to point out is the following: nothing is ever George Bush's fault. If something bad happens he is not to blame, and neither is anyone associated with him - because he chose them and that would mean he is to blame. Nor can any policy associated with his administration be to blame.
On the radio show I always enjoyed the Clinton haters cuz EVERYTHING was Clintons fault. I use to call it the 6 degrees of Bill Clinton. How few steps can you go, under 6, to lead it back to Bill Clinton. Caller Joe was particularly good at parlor games and a laugh riot.
The second thing that needs to be pointed out is that America's actions cannot be to blame. America does not do anything significant wrong. Therefore America cannot be at fault.
The caveat to number two is that certain people who live in America aren't Americans in the mind of George Bush's supporters. If you're a liberal, if you're gay, if you support abortion rights - you're not American.
Likewise old policies aren't really American - Social Security, Medicare - anything not associated with George Bush in specific and Republicans in general is not really true American.
What's the policy rule of the Bush administration?
The rule is that they know what they want to do already - and that anything that happens is an excuse to do whatever they already wanted to do. Remember the tax cut arguments and how they changed? Remember how the arguments for going to war with Iraq changed? Remember that SS privatization was discussed in the 2000 campaign? Remember how the Patriot Act was ready almost immediately after 9/11 - a huge bill - because it already existed?
Are Dems or others perfect? Certainly not. I don't see them stifling debate on a regular basis or calling those that disagree unamerican. Like it or not all legal U.S. citizens are Americans. As Americans they are entitled to the right of dissent. As a matter of fact dissent is a core principal to American style democracy. Or at least it use to be. That's what scares many of us. As good Americans we MUST fight back.
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