Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Coffee Table

Whatever you want to talk about. What's on your mind? What is the big story to you right now? Frankly there is so much but it seems little that those of us that have been paying attention didn't already know. What would you like to see more about?
Is the attorney scandal a scandal to you or do you think it will just go away?
Why is it that the party of personal responsibility keep passing the buck i.e., Gonzales/McNulty-Wolfowitz/girlfriend? Are there any real men who will stand up and do the right thing in this administration?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This report has been spoken of on various places on the internet. Click on Accepting Realities in Iraq Hope this works.

Larry in New Mexico

1:33 AM, May 18, 2007  
Blogger Ron said...

They are learning the hard way why one must have a separation of church and state.

1:37 AM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are learning the hard way why one must have a separation of church and state.

Too bad that millions of people in this country don't learn that, Ron.


10:52 PM, May 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice how the rotten republicans have fixed it so that the House was forced to pass a spending bill without the money for Katrina victims/rebuilding New Orleans (which CNN had the gall to call pork barrel spending) or any kind of withdrawal date or accountability from this sorry excuse for an administration. NOT!!
I have a friend who is not a Democrat and she blames both parties. But y'know, we can't do much if the GOP insists on kissing Cheney's butt with each and every vote. Without a 2/3 majority to prevent Bush from vetoing everything the Dems try to do, there's no hope. It is the dam* GOP's fault and why aren't the Bushies mad over the highest gas prices on record? Oh, how could I's the darn liberals' fault cuz they kept Bush's and Cheney's greedy friends from drilling in ANWR so these selfish sheep can cause the extinction of polar bears just so they can keep driving their gas hogging 4 door pickups and Hummers-right?

9:23 PM, May 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Alaska, I got a phone call today from Defenders of Wildlife, an environmental PAC I subscribe to. In case you didn't know, Alaska's governor is allowing wolves to be slaughtered so they won't be competition for caribou hunters. Actually, wolves cull weak and sick caribou out of the herds and make them healthier, but anti-environment/wildlife people don't like to be confused by FACTS. Hunters are allowed to cut off one of the murdered wolf's legs to present as proof when collecting the bounty. And what party does Sarah Palin, Alaska's governor belong to? She's a dam* Republican, naturally.
Speaking of the sheep, I saw the following in
Jimmy Carter's "Endangered Values".
"You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbytarians and the Methodists and this, that and the other thing. Nonsense, I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Anti-Christ." (Pat Robertson, The 700 Club)
What a total wacko!! Carter says one of the main problems we have is the rise of the religious right with its rigid black and white thinking and the lack of separation of Church and State. Couldn't agree more. God bless Carter who is a REAL Christian unlike the neo-cons who only pretend to be.

1:31 AM, May 24, 2007  
Blogger Ron said...

You mean neochristians? I think that is the way to separate them from the christians you and I are familiar with.

10:27 PM, May 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carter says the easiest way to refer to the neo-cons is to call them Fundamentalists. Since the Fundamentalists are the ones promoting and most fervently supporting the neo-cons, we could call them all Fundamentalists. Personally, I think Cheney, Rove, Delay, etc. have used the Fundamentalist Christians to get and retain power and could care less about family values issues. Has Cheney's lesbian daughter had her baby with her female partner, yet? I expect the F/Wackos will freak over that big time. LOL
Bush was raised an Episcopalian and got religion to quit drinking. Let's face it, he's not the philosophical type and black and white thinking is his forte. I'm sure he's taking all the Scripture literally and will twist and skew it and pick out whatever he can interpret to justify his policies. He really doesn't understand the message of Jesus Christ, you know, and it's sad that so many people voted for him because he has made such a public profession of Christian faith. What's worse is when Delay did it and they believed HIM! And when is Delay going to trial and to prison?!!!

11:27 PM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger Ron said...

Yes, Cheneys grandson was born a few days ago. For his sake I hope there is a God that can save that poor little spawn of satan. He knows not the evil deeds committed by the Cheney name.

9:09 PM, May 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Cheneys grandson was born a few days ago. For his sake I hope there is a God that can save that poor little spawn of satan.

That is so not nice. It's not the baby's fault who he's related to.
Besides, evil as Cheney is, he should be called the rich ugly mean greedy spawn of Satan, as I doubt that he's actually the Devil. He just works for him.


12:27 AM, May 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I really hope Mary didn´t name the little guy Damian cuz that would be really really bad, y´know.

5:15 PM, May 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw this one while reading Frank McCourt's "Teacher Man" and thought it was pretty good. Especially with the current teach to the test emphasis in education (while more and more children are getting left behind).
"...What are schools for anyway? I ask you, is the task of the teacher to supply cannon fodder for the military-industrial complex? Are we shaping packages for the corporate assembly line?..."

Good questions and with pro-corporatation military-industrial complex rigid religious right black and white thinkers in charge, creative progressive student oriented education may become a thing of the past.
Also, "Teacher Man" is a pretty good book. Not as good as "Angela's Ashes" but better than "Tis".


12:37 AM, June 03, 2007  

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